Math 610 Assignment 1

  1. Let b,cb,c be positive integers. Let A(b,c)\mathcal{A}_{(b,c)} to be the cluster algebra generated by {xm:mZ}\{x_m : m \in \mathbb Z\} over Q\mathbb Q subject to the following set of exchange relations, from initial cluster {x1,x2}\{x_1,x_2\}. Check that A(b,c)\mathcal{A}_{(b,c)} has finitely many variables if and only if bc3bc \le 3.
    xm1xm+1={xmb+1m oddxmc+1m evenmZx_{m-1}x_{m+1} = \begin{cases} x_m^b + 1 & m \text{ odd} \\ x_m^c + 1 & m \text{ even}\end{cases} \qquad m\in\mathbb Z
  2. Explain why this is equivalent to the condition that [2bc2]\begin{bmatrix} 2 & -b \\ -c & 2\end{bmatrix} is the Cartan matrix of rank 2 root system.
  3. Verify that in this case (bc3bc\le 3) the non-initial cluster variables are parametrized by the positive roots of the corresponding root system.
  4. Prove that the matrix BQB_Q with (i,j)(i,j) entry given by #{ij}#{ji})\# \{i\to j\} - \#\{ j\to i\}) is anti-symmetric.
  5. Check that quiver mutation is involutive. (Let QQ be a quiver, let kk be a vertex, denote mutation wrt kk by μk\mu_k and verify that μk2Q=Q\mu_k^2 Q = Q.)
  6. Check that seed mutation is involutive. (Let (R,u)(R,u) be a seed.)
  7. Determine the exchange graph of \bullet\to\bullet\to\bullet a quiver of type AA and rank 3.
  8. Prove that the cluster structure AQ\mathcal{A}_Q does not depend on the choice of initial seed.
  9. Let n=4n = 4. Verify that the coordinate ring AA of the unipotent subgroup NSL(n+1,C)N\subset \text{SL}(n+1,\mathbb C) is a type D6D_6 cluster algebra. More precisely, AA has the structure of the cluster-algebra-with-coefficients of type Q~\tilde Q over AA, where Q~D6\tilde Q\sim D_6 is the ice quiver